5" Sweet Pea

Here we have another ready to play example of the ever popular 5" gauge 'Sweet Pea' design.  The bodywork has been the subject of a recent re-paint and freshen up, so she certainly looks very nice.  Mechanically the engine is tidily done and with plenty of life in her yet.  There is the usual amount of Hackworth valve gear 'slop' but nothing that you would consider worn out, and we certainly expect her to run well.

There is an injector, an axle pump with footplate mounted bypass valve and a hand pump in the usual Sweet Pea ‘under the running board’ position.  Lubrication is mechanical and mounted in the easily accessible position on the left hand side.  All round this is a nice and tidy Sweet Pea, that comes fully tested and ready to play.  Hopefully the photos will fill in the rest of the story for you.

For any more information please don't hesitate to give us a bell on 07816 963463

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