Here we have a rather lovely, brand new and crisply made 5" gauge Don Young quarry Hunslet. Built by Robin Nixon, with a brand new professional Cheddar (morewood) boiler that was supplied in 1984. The loco came to us brand new and unsteamed, and has clearly been beautifully made. The machining work is extremely crisp and the rods have all been hand finished to a high standard and with a good deal of finesse too. Since the photos here were taken, we have re-located the lubricator sight feeds onto the inside of the cab rather than outside, as we felt it was a neater solution.
We've steamed her and commissioned her now, and so she is fully tested and ready to play with so far only about 4 hours steaming under her belt. Fitted with an injector, an axle pump with footplate mounted bypass valve and of course the hand pump in the corner of the cab. Lubrication is displacement and fed through the two controlled sight feeds so you can see exactly what is going to each cylinder. An extremely well made, brand new professionally boilered model that runs extremely well.
For any more information please don't hesitate to give us a bell on 07816 963463