3" Burrell

Here we have a very well well made 3" scale Burrell single crank traction engine.  Built to the well proven Plastow design.  We've had quite a few of these come through now, but this one is essentially brand newly finished off one of the tidiest example that we've had come through.

The boiler is a newly finished silver soldered copper one, and we've given it it's initial hydraulic shell (twice working pressure) test, and of course we can give it a fresh steam test if you'd like it firing so that it's all ready to play.

It has an injector, the usual crank shaft water pump.  The paint is neatly done, and is of course in as new condition, lining is done in lining tape, although it's very neatly done and certainly at first glance it looks like paint.  All in all this is a very lovely, well finished and machined model, and in it's un-steamed form it would be a lovely addition to anyone's living room, or ready to play we are quite sure that it will run as well as it looks.

For any more information please don't hesitate to give us a bell on 07816 963463

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