5" Polly III

Here we have a fairly tidy and well presented Polly 3 locomotive.  What you see isn't quite what you get here,... if you look closely you will see that the left hand tank is raised slightly on a plate fitted to the underside of the tank, and it's twisting things about a bit.  That will be removed and sorted before delivery.  Also, there are a couple of home made pins in the valve gear that are super sloppy at the moment, so we will be sorting out the bottom end with some new pins and bushes too before it leaves.  Essentially, it'll look like it does in the pictures, just slightly neater and it'll work!

Lubrication is mechanical and it's fitted with the usual three forms of water supply.  Hand pump in the tank, axle pump with footplate mounted bypass valve and of course the injector.  The boiler is the usual professional job from Polly, and is as tidy and well made as you'd expect it to be.  Comes with full and fresh boiler certs so it's fully tested and ready to play.

For any more information please don't hesitate to give us a bell on 07816 963463



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