Here we have a plain, but nicely made 5" Gauge GWR Manor, currently wearing the guise of 7817 'Garsington Manor'. This isn't a new build, although it doesn't appear to have been run excessively so is mechanically pretty good. It's also been the subject of a recent repaint, so looks nice and fresh, and the wheel rims have been painted black since the photographs were taken to make it look a little more in keeping with the prototype.
The boiler is a professional superheated job, built by Chambers. Water is fed from the usual injector, crosshead pump and the hand pump in the tender. There is a large mechanical lubricator under the front footplate, and although the photos will hopefully do most of the talking, it's fair to say that this is a nice, tidy loco ready to play.
For any more information please don't hesitate to give us a bell on 07816 963463